Tuesday, October 14, 2008

DUSS Concert part 2

The following picture are some more of the beginners I help!

Anneke age 6

Elena age 5
Shea age 4 and Miriam age 6

Zsolt,Riley,Shea, and Miriam
Shea looks SO cute with his hand over his mouth!

the Auditorium

My Saturday went like this:
6:20 - wake up
7:45 - leave home
8:30 - arrive Intermediate 1 starts
10:45 - beginners start
12:30 - Intermediate 2 starts
2:00 - lunch time
2:30 - starts getting the beginners ready for their concert
3:00 - concert!
4:00 - -Memorial Concert for
Wei-Lee Kuo

5:45 - dinner
6:30 - put make up on, brush teeth, and check to make sure every think is OK on stage.
7:00 - concert stats!
9:00 - concert ends!
9:15- go over to the music building and put stands and beginner bags of stickers and music in office .
9:30 - head home
11:00 - go to bed!

I played a total of 5 hours !


  1. Anonymous said...

    LOL, I just now noticed the bodies on the auditorium steps :D

  2. Meredith Ivy said...

    Hi Anna,

    I haven't read any of the books you listed at my blog... Thanks for recommending them! I will try to check into them next time I'm at the library.

    Hope you're having a wonderful week and hope to see you soon!

  3. N said...

    Whaaa..?? Oh wow, I didn't notice that either. LOL! :D