- Link to the person who tagged you.
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Write Six Random Things about yourself.
- Tag a few other people at the bottom of the post.
- Leave comments on their blogs, letting them know they've been tagged!
- Let the person who tagged you know when you've written the post.
1. I can't sew! At all not even a little! In fact I can't even thread a needle.:(
2. I hate the city! I don't think I could EVER live there! When I spent a few weeks at my Grandparents I got SO scared! I am so use to there being a lot of people in the house. It was also so quiet that you could hear every little noise. I hopefully can always live in the country!
3. I hate to be the center of attention! I don't even like people watching me open my birthday gifts!
4. I love riding in the car with the windows down, while listening to country music!:) The only time I don't like riding with the widows down is when it's raining or it's really cold. I just love to feel the wind in my hair and stick my arm out the window.
5. I am very easy to scare! One night I was walking from my parent's room to mine. There is a stair rail right next to the hallway. So, I'm walking down the hallway holding the rail when all the sudden I look down and their IS a hand!! It scared me SO bad! The hand of course belonged to Nick.;)
6. I love helping kids with violin and playing the violin!! It so much fun! I have been doing it for about four years. I enjoy every minuet of it!