Friday, December 26, 2008

Please Pray!

If everyone could please pray for our family! On Christmas eve baby Nathan threw up at our house. Until last night, everyone was fine. Sam, my Mom, Granddad, Sarah, and Molly are sick with a stomach flu. So far everyone that was over on Christmas eve is sick. Please pray that everyone will get over it really quickly and that not everyone will get it! I have a feeling they are sick with the Nora virus. Well anyway....hope everyone had a great Christmas!


  1. Anonymous said...

    Oh no! I'm so sorry. I do pray that you don't get it, and that everyone gets over it soon and safely!

  2. Anna Taylor said...

    Abigail, How are you? I was going to call you today. But it was very early and I thought you would still be a sleep. Did John Paul get home for Christmas?

  3. Anonymous said...

    No he didn't, so we're saving the big dinner and gift unwrapping for when he does get back,(probably Saturday). We've waited for him 7 months, so I guess waiting a few more days really doesn't much difference!

    I did sleep very late this morning :)
    But I'm ready to talk now, do call if the invalids will let you have a free moment!

  4. N said...

    Oh dear! I do hope your family all gets better soon, and that you can avoid getting it! :(

  5. Anonymous said...

    im doing alot better now
    the news is saying that every body
    is geting this mess

  6. Anna Taylor said...

    John, I'm so glad! Did everyone get it?

  7. Meredith Ivy said...

    Oh, I'm so sorry! How miserable! I am praying that everyone will recover completely soon.

  8. Anonymous said...

    yes every budy but danail got it

  9. amyee1983 said...

    Hey Anna I found your blog! I am so sorry that Nate got everyone sick! My inlaws got it too and everyone in my family! It was a pretty rough Christmas! I hope you are all well now. See you in Feb. (hopefully 100 percent well!)

  10. Anna Taylor said...

    Hey Amy!! Only three people got it at our house, and they were fine by Saturday! Is Nate feeling better?

    I can't wait to see you and Nate in Feb. either! Happy New Year!!