Tuesday, March 11, 2008

No I am not in the military.....or turkey hunting!!!

Today I decided I would wear camo pants....
Notice the brilliant woodland pattern!

I left for class before anyone else was up and when I arrived home was immediately questioned on my attire. It was actually very funny, it went something like this:

I walk in the door....
My mother asks why I look like I am in the military
I get a drink of water...
Sarah comes in the room and asks if I really wore "that" today
I get something to eat...
Samuel comes in and asks why I am dressed as a soldier
I continue eating...
Anna asks some variation of the "why are you in camo" question
I finish eating and head to my room,
when I am coming back down the stairs....
Molly sees me and right off asks why I am dressed like someone from the military!!!

Have I missed something? Is wearing camo now frowned upon in my family? I was in class and walking among crowds of people and the only question I got was "Are you fixing to go turkey hunting?" :p I get home and in 15 minutes get five questions as to why I am wearing camo!! Such is life with my wonderful family.... :D


  1. N said...

    Ha, that's hilarious! "Are you fixing to go turkey hunting?" I'm guessing fixing was more like fixin' though, right? :D

    Hey, your family should be glad you're coordinated anyway! :P My little brother has three pairs of camo pants, and the conversation in the morning generally goes something like, "No, I know you like your red shirt, but you need a blue shirt to go with blue camo. Oh wait, that's right, you wore the blue shirt with your green camo yesterday, so it's in the laundry. You should have worn your green shirt..." :D

  2. Anonymous said...

    Of course, the G in -ING is always silent ;)
    Brilliant woodland pattern...mmm...it looks more like a mud puddle to me :D

  3. Anonymous said...

    LOL! That is so typical. I get that all the time too, if I wear anything out of the ordinary.

  4. Anonymous said...

    So... your friends think you're a poacher who wears the wrong camo patterns for turkey hunting? Wow.

    (NC turkey season doesn't open for another month, with the exception of the single Youth Day on April 5.)

    Then there's your family... :)

    Which army do they think you've joined? All of the US military branches have used digital-patterned camo for years. Hmmm. Perhaps those "mission trips" to Nicaragua have been for other reasons, eh, Komrad?

    It is interesting that they commented about the camo and not about the t-shirt. ;)

    As always, tongue firmly in cheek...

  5. Will said...

    You know I actually do have an Uncle Jim...

  6. Anonymous said...

    Officially it is Uncle Jimmy and he is not known to be nearly so cheeky. But speaking of the other side of the pond, one of our elders in our church would probably respond to the t-shirt whereas most Southerners can only relate to that sweet farm in Boone.

  7. Anonymous said...

    PS- Jim, we probably could just hunt away since we live in middle of nowhere between Berea-Stem- and Culbreath NC on 40 acres- the locals leave us be and the sheriff only shows up when our alarm system goes haywire and we can't turn it off. Also with 2.5 Federal prisons nearby all their employess stay locked and loaded.

  8. N said...

    Officially it is Uncle Jimmy and he is not known to be nearly so cheeky.

    Oooooooo! :P Ha, methinks someone has met their match finally. :D

    ~A long-suffering niece

  9. Anonymous said...

    "You know I actually do have an Uncle Jim..."

    Will, that's what Natalie finds so attractive: you already have everything a man could need!


    "Also with 2.5 Federal prisons nearby all their employees stay locked and loaded."

    Would it be reasonable to assume that you do the same, Kodachrome?

    Btw, someday we'll see the digital equivalent of that great film. There was nothing else quite like ASA 25 Kodachrome for outdoor work in the summertime.

  10. N said...

    Argh, I'm beginning to think that an Uncle Jim is the very last thing that I need!!

  11. Anonymous said...

    Poor Natalie! :)

  12. Anonymous said...

    Poor Natalie?!?!?!

    My great-grandma saw me wearing camo sweatpants and asked "What army are you in? Iraqi?" My other grandma was horrified and said "No! The army of the Lord!"

  13. Anonymous said...

    Uncle Jimmy- come this Friday I will have gone over to the dark side. My Hasselblad and Nikon film cameras are being replaced by a Canon digital system. BTW are you on Natalie's mom or dad's side of the family. It sounds like you have had some photo experience like her dad.

  14. Will said...

    What is this? How has a topic on camo pants gotten so ridiculously off it in the comments?

  15. Anonymous said...

    I'm one of Natalie's uncles on her mom's side of the family. Photography has long been a hobby of mine, but it's never been a full-time job.

    Will, to bring it all full-circle, I've never written off-topic blog comments while wearing camo pants in a federal prison.

    PS - My brother (Uncle David) takes more of the Neville Chamberlain approach, believing it's better to appease these pesky Germans than to directly confront them. (g,d&r)

  16. N said...

    Hmmph. To put it back on topic, Will, I'm wishing I had some camo so that I'd be invisible and maybe my uncle would just forget that I exist! :P

    Pesky Germans indeed.

  17. Anonymous said...

    I'm wearing camo right now and he can still see me...maybe I should put on some more.

  18. Anonymous said...

    Did anyone see where Rebecca went? Anyone? Anyone at all?

  19. Will said...

    Rebecca, what you need is this shirt

    notice the magic words? ;)

  20. Anonymous said...
