Saturday, August 11, 2007

Departure from friends is always a sad thing

This past week Sarah and I were able to spend a few days with our friends the B's in upstate NY. Their family is probably one of our family's oldest friends that we still actively keep up with. It is sad how when you are younger it seems there are always these families who you will be friends with but then as you get older they drop away. The B's are one family that we have fortunately kept up with over the years despite their move to NY and their going off the grid for several years. Our family does not get to see them nearly as much as I would like to, but living almost a days drive is a bit of a hindrance to visiting.

Anyway I had a great time full of laughs and excitement with them. We arrived Monday afternoon played some games and talked. Tuesday we played volleyball and some more games including this crazy dice game that caused a few minor cuts on fingers. Later that afternoon we headed to this annual Christian music event Kingdom Bound, where we saw Denver, Chris Tomlin and Toby Mac. The music was loud and we sang ourselves horse and danced till we were tired then grooved some more. Sarah's edit: everyone danced but William. He wishes he could dance like me but he... well.... he can't. :(
When we made it back the the car my ears were still ringing slightly it was great. Hm.. its great if you are going deaf from the concert ????
Wednesday saw us playing more volleyball then spending the rest of the afternoon tubing on the lake down the road from their house. This is where I was stupid and completely forgot about sunscreen. I am still red as a lobster and amazingly sore 4 days later. Sarah (me) on the other hand just got a healthy tan. Although the next day I was extremely sore from bouncing around while tubing. The plan was to be there Monday through Friday but unfortunately we ended up having to leave Thursday morning. :( It was a disappointment that we could not stay for another day but Sarah and I were happy we had at least been able to spend a few days with some great friends. I totally agree!!!!
Stay tuned as we post some exciting stories about NY.