Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Treasures of Work

Here is the dumpster early yesterday morning before we started emptying out the house:

...and here it is 8 hours later. The good news is we cleared that whole dumpster out of the house! The bad news is we still have at least another half a dumpster to go before it is fully cleaned up!

Some "after" pictures:

While a hundred times better, there is still some work to be done....

In answer to the question put forth from several sources, here is some stuff I found while digging through the mess:

Not that exciting eh? There was actually so much stuff we were clearing out, it just was hard to sift through it in search of things....We had wheelbarrows and a shovel and were literally shoveling the stuff from the floor to the wheelbarrow and then dumping it in the dumpster. Somethings of interest found, Maglite 3-D-Cell Flashlight, boy scout badges from the 1960-70s, some political pins, a silver tray, two Daniel Boone style jacket/shirts:

Those are actually pretty cool, except they are both way too small in the sleeves. There was also a collection of road signs which to the horror of my mother I plan to decorate my walls with. :p
Probably the best find was an 8-setting china set, minus salad plates and bowls:

My mother who knows about such things as china, informed me that it is actually very good china and is made by the same company that made hers...I personally think the pattern is a little too colorful and flowery, but my mother really likes it and said I should keep it because my future wife probably will too. So that is a roundup of house cleaning...There is still much to be done in way of clearing out, we just ran out of room in the dumpster!


  1. Anonymous said...

    Pretty neat stuff! What are the books? The road signs are cool. Wonder what in the world the guy was doing with all that junk?!

  2. Will said...

    The books were some I picked up in hopes that they would be worth $1000s :p I ran them by David though and no such luck, while old they were pretty common...

  3. Anonymous said...

    Aw, that's too bad. They still look cool though. :D

  4. Anonymous said...

    Ha, it is I :)
    "No more commenting 'till Friday" That could be you "People being stupid news item of the week" :)
    Ya, will only be blogging on Friday...commenting whenever.
    kor made a good point on my post....
    but not having gone on for the past two days has made me realize that it really is not a big deal being away from it. But I did miss seeing what was going on with everyone.
    Anyways, just thought I would explain why I am commenting again :)

    BTW, please don't go around driving with no hands anymore...that does not sound safe.....

  5. Will said...

    Well hey there Liv! I am surprised speechless to see your comment! I have taken you advice and will no longer be driving without my hands ;)