Sunday, December 30, 2007

My brother Nicholas

Today is my brother Nick's 18th birthday. Nicholas and I have been sharing a room for 15 years, I still remember the day he moved into my room and we started our wonderful brotherly love filled experiance of rooming together. (For people who don't know us that well, that last line has some sarcasm ;) ) Nick and I don't always see eye to eye you could say, sometimes it is like mixing oil and water personality wise. Because I am older, I have on occasion been a bit of a "my way or the highway" brother. :p But I have learned, and am still learning to listen to Nick's thoughts and opinions.

There is a 5 year difference in age between us but we look enough alike that people who don't know us that well have a hard time distinguishing between us. I get called Nick and he gets called Will more often than not which is actually quite funny. Even though he is now slightly taller than I am, he occasionally steals my clothes without asking and I sometimes want to toss his bed out the window, I still love him as a brother and I can't think of a better one.

This past week I have been doing some end of the year cleaning and I came across all my many badly spelled papers I wrote growing up. Here is one I wrote a little over 10 years ago:

My Brother
My brother Nicholas is quite a character. One of his favorite activities is swinging on tree branches at least 10 feet above the ground. This fearless achievement may account for his slender build. He is quite sociable and good humored and may shout a greeting to anyone he sees below. His normal attire consists of blue jeans and my well worn shirts. His green eyes come from my mom, but he looks just like my dad. After living in the same room with him for five years I have found him to be hard to provoke and quite to forgive. He may be 7.8 years old but he is one great guy. :)

I know there are people who read this blog who have known us for a long time and while cleaning I also came across some older pictures of him I thought I would share: :D

Both of us:

I guess if you have no idea who Nick is, it might be helpful to post some more recent pictures :p

This is not edited in any way, that was the real size of that chair!
Even though we are brothers we are both very competitive...
Me (on the left) trouncing Nick in chess

Nick, well... eh... he is about to block me :p (I am the lone guy in red)

Some more pictures :p I should also mention Nick sometimes drives our mother nuts with his clothes....


  1. Anonymous said...

    Happy, Happy, Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!!
    And many more....

  2. Anonymous said...

    I want you to wear that shirt next Sunday...will you if I say please? Happy 29th! If I had known today was your birthday I'd have worn my beard ;)

    William, I challenge you to a chess match when a opportunity presents itself...

  3. Anonymous said...

    Nice apron

  4. Will said...

    Abigail you and I have played chess, remember last year's chess and chili tournament? I did something stupid with my queen and ended up losing to you in the simi-final! You are the only person I can remember losing to in like 5 years....

  5. Anonymous said...

    Oh yeah... I'd forgotten. One loss in five years? Not bad :)

  6. Anonymous said...

    Paul you bet its a nice apron, you should see the stuff i can do with that!

    Abigail I'm not sure... I would be tempted to wear the shirt but one of the tags (which you can't see in the picture) says 2 kool 4 skool... Augh... Shirt is awesome cept for that, it makes me feel like the fat kid in a middleschool dance party where everyone stays on the opposite walls

  7. Anonymous said...

    Just cover it with a big "I ♥ Life" pin!