Thursday, October 11, 2007

About my apartment....

In the comments of my last post about my magnificent new door, Sleepy Joy brought up an interesting question: "Are you going to move into your apartment now?" This is actually a topic I was going to post about but it has been in the "rough draft" stage and I have not had the time to finalize it. Since she did raise the question and a simple "yes" or "no" would need an explanation here it is:

No, I am not moving into my apartment now, or in all likelihood ever. I am going to sell it. I have seriously thought about living in it, it is in an excellent location and is only 5 minutes away from work. Gone would be the 2+ hours of driving I currently do everyday, and I would have practically 1,100sqft all to myself. Sure I would have a monthly power/water/phone bill to keep track of, but at least half that cost would be covered by me not needing hardly any gas for my car. So why don't I want to move into it? The answer is actually pretty simple, I love my family! :)

That is a pretty blanket statement, but probably the thing I would miss the most would be the conversation. That is easy to fix, just get room mates for your apartment you might say. Yes, I could do that, but it really would not be the same. The past probably year and a half, I have really enjoyed being at home and having our "after 10 discussions" with my family especially Sarah. I have jokingly told her there is no way she is getting married before me because I would lose a buffer (inside joke) and I also would have no one to act crazy with or sing with when I am doing the dishes.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problems moving out and living on my own. When I am married I will have no issue moving to Timbuktu or wherever else my wife and I feel God wants us to live. Until that happens though, I am content to live at home and spend time with my family. Besides, without me their life would be pretty dull and they would probably have to get rid of the computers since they most likely would start having issues as soon as I moved out!


  1. Anonymous said...

    Very good explanation :).
    I like the part "Or sing crazy with while I am doing dishes" classic :).

    But seriously that is a very good reason.

  2. Will said...

    :) Yes Sarah and I have done some pretty wild things while cleaning the kitchen....sometimes we forget about the actual cleaning....

  3. Anonymous said...

    I have pictures of William and Sarah dancing and singing while they are cleaning the kitchen !!!!!

  4. Anonymous said...

    Anna, I really think you should post some ;)

  5. Anonymous said...

    Sorry Liv, Sarah has banned me from showing them to anyone out of the family !! :(