Saturday, October 13, 2007

State Fair

Yesterday Sarah and I went to the State Fair. Rather than go into a lengthy post on everything we did, here are some pictures. :)

This being the south, you of course have to have tobacco bundling contests:
This old lady's group was fast, they did the whole thing in 1:09!

Here we have this strange dude who kept popping up wherever music was playing and doing interpretive dance:

Here is me trying to pitch a baseball...lets just say I am not going to have a "rookie" experience, the best I could do was a measly 55mph! :frown:

This is our good ol' buddy and pal Greg the weather man:
Here is another picture of Greg hanging out with some funny animal thing. Greg had to change his clothes because he got pie all over them in the pie eating contest.
Racing Pigs:
Racing Ducks!
So those are the highlights from the fair...Some other things to note: The weather was GREAT!!!!!!!! Did not get above 70 the whole day! :D We spent way too much on over priced fair food, the military really loves giving out tee-shirts, the animals were a smelly as ever and oh yeah we went to a concert in the evening.......


  1. Anonymous said...

    The guy doing "dancing" made me laugh out loud!!!

    You guys in the mask is, ummmmm, well, lets just say I am glad that is not your real faces :).

  2. Will said...

    That picture was when he was not doing much... at one point he did a split and was bobbing up and down, it was wild! By the time I thought to take a picture he had bounced back up.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Haha! The poor Fish. And not only did he change clothes, he grew about a foot!

    And yes, I'm back!!! Didn't you miss me...(mister collins wave)