Friday, October 19, 2007

Today we had co-op until 1:00. Since my grandparents live 5 minutes away from the church we have Co-op at we decided to stop by. For the first 45 minutes or so, we talked with out grandparents, well everyone that is but Matthew. Matthew was too busy running away from Jules, my grandparents' foot long Dachshund. Jules had decided that Matthew was just the right height to lick in the face....Matthew did not like this! After a little bit, Matthew, Sam and I all went outside to see what Molly was up to. She had been looking at horses next door and we wanted to make sure that she had not jumped the electric fence and ridden bareback into the sunset...did I mention it was 2:00 in the afternoon? We arrived outside to find Molly was riding something... luckily, it was just a tandem bike. Yes, she was trying to ride a tandem (a bike that is for two people) by herself. I decided to fix her problem, and offered to ride on the back seat. In this case , the pictures really tell the story better. Note** The picture that follow are based on actual events. >)

Here we are just getting on the bicycle. Sam graciously uses his incredible strength to keep us steady.
And we are OFF!!! Matthew and Sam are NOT holding us up. They just wanted to be in on the fun so they ran along behind us and pushed. It did not make us go THAT much faster but they felt included.
Oh no!! Apparently we are stuck in a ditch (ohhh...thats why we weren't moving!) and only succeeded in getting out with Matthew and Sam's help. It was around this time that we discovered that both tires were flat. Hopefully, that is why we could never really get going.
Smile!! Matthew and I really like it when I ride a bike and he sits on the handlebars. We didn't try that with the tandem, but maybe one day we will...when the tires are full of air....
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  1. Anonymous said...

    That reminds me of when you guys were at our house, and Anja refused to ride with William driving :) That was funny!! :) :)

  2. Will said...

    Yeah what was up with that I am a good driver!