Monday, September 3, 2007

Sarah showing off her great jumping ability as she hits the ball

Bethany about to hit the ball

Sarah serving

Now while it looks like BJ is about to just knock Candace's head off he is really going for the ball

If anyone reading this was there yesterday, sorry if you are not in a picture, my sister Anna was taking the pictures with my camera and while she did a good job taking pictures, she was not as familiar with the controls so a lot of the action pictures were blurry.

After playing volleyball ( my team never lost, 5-0 baby! :D ) people started heading out around dusk. Somehow we then started playing soccer and continued to play for about an hour and a half. Soccer is a painful sport on the shins and ankles and to make matters worst since we started playing around dusk the light was not that great and only got worse. :p I think for the last 45 minutes we played in almost pitch blackness. people kept passing the ball to the other team as well as just headlong running into each other!
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  1. Anonymous said...

    Sarah is actually doing something!!!!

  2. Anonymous said...

    I know this was awhile ago. Thanks for posting them! I miss these funny games so much! And I'm glad I still have my head...:-) Never realized how much danger I was in!
